Alternating Pressure Therapy
30 minutes = $40

Our legs, ankles and feet can swell for a variety of reasons: too much salt in our diets, being overweight, being pregnant - even taking certain types of medication can result in water retention and slowed circulation in our extremities.
Not only can this put a strain on our hearts and other organs, it reduces our body’s ability to flush out toxins and interferes with new blood getting nutrients to our muscles.
Alternating Pressure Therapy uses special boots (or leg wraps) to gently massage the legs, from the tops of the thighs right down to the toes, to assist the body with venous blood return and lymph drainage.
Providing that there were no underlying conditions impeding treatment, it’s a great way to reduce swelling and fluid build-up, and makes your legs feel lighter as a bonus!
Our legs, ankles and feet can swell for a variety of reasons: too much salt in our diets, being overweight, being pregnant - even taking certain types of medication can result in water retention and slowed circulation in our extremities.
Not only can this put a strain on our hearts and other organs, it reduces our body’s ability to flush out toxins and interferes with new blood getting nutrients to our muscles.
Alternating Pressure Therapy uses special boots (or leg wraps) to gently massage the legs, from the tops of the thighs right down to the toes, to assist the body with venous blood return and lymph drainage.
Providing that there were no underlying conditions impeding treatment, it’s a great way to reduce swelling and fluid build-up, and makes your legs feel lighter as a bonus!